Dogs and cats are very good at hiding things from us, so its important that we have a full range of diagnostic tools to discover their secrets.
Lab work
Commonly we send blood, urine and fecal samples to the lab for analysis. This is very important as pets age and internal organ function changes. We also have many in-house laboratory tools for more immediate information.
We have high quality digital radiology right here in the clinic to look at internal changes in a structural way. These images can be sent to a veterinary radiologist when needed.
Cytology on masses can be evaluated under the microscope in our in house lab and sent out to a pathologist if questions remain unanswered. Tissue biopsies are sent to Animal Reference Pathology right here in SLC for timely and cost effective results.
Ultrasound and MRI
A skilled and dedicated team of veterinary ultrasonographers come to our clinic to thoroughly evaluate pets with problem that can be best visualized with ultrasound.